ISO 27001

ISO 27001 is an information security standard that can help you demonstrate to customers and stakeholders that you take the security of their information seriously. This lets your customers know that not only do you take great care with their personal data, but the processes you use have been assessed and approved by a standard that is recognised across the globe.

A large part of gaining this certification is developing a statement of applicability. This shows where you have chosen to implement information security controls in each of the standards 114 control objectives

We can assist  in defining your statement of applicability by :-

  • Understanding the controls required and how to include them

  • Identify and analyze risks to the business

  • Develop a risk treatment plan

  • Provide a list of implementation controls

  • Reviewing and maintaining

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    Along with defining your statement of applicability, we also help with writing policies and creating procedures that are needed in order to meet the standard.
